ROSSO IGT TERRA DI LAVORO 1999 AZ. AGR. GALARDI –SESSA AURUNCA- Vitigni Aglianico 80% Piedirosso 20%
Sono rimaste poche bottiglie nella mia cantina, causa bevuta facile. La scorsa settimana mentre ripulivo l’angusta mobilia, ho trovato, con 4 dita di polvere sopra, questo vino che mi lega a ricordi bellissimi.Tre sere la settimana, per quasi 4 anni, passati nell’Enoteca di un caro amico ad assaggiare ogni vino possibile. ” Domenica 10 Febbraio 2002 ” recita la mia vecchia scheda degustativa. Una delle ultime indimenticabili serate. 92/100 fu la mia valutazione, in controtendenza con gli altri presenti che invece non apprezzarono questa meraviglia. Sfida interessante riassaggiarlo 7 anni dopo vero? Il colore e’ rimasto di un granato impenetrabile. Il tempo ha eliminato l’unghia (o punta) violacea. Consistente, pieno, riempie con potenza il bicchiere. Difetti al naso non ce ne sono, evoluzione forse in piccola dose, la frutta e’ cotta, note di salvia e menta, qualche fiore si coglie piu’ tardi. L’inizio gustativo e’ giovane, buona acidita’, prosegue corposo, robusto e con una morbidezza che arriva piano piano. Forse ha perso qualcosa in persistenza ed intensita’. A 7 anni di distanza rimane un grande assaggio. Ottima evoluzione. Costa tanti euri, questo lo ricordo.
Owing easy drinking, There’s just a few bottles left in my cellar…
Last week, while wiping the old furniture I found a wine bottle with 4 inches of dust on…a wine that binds me to beautiful memories… Three nights a week for almost 4 years spent at a dear friend’s wine grocery, tasting every possible wine… “Sunday, February 10, 2002” sais my old wine tasting card… One of the last unforgettable evenings… 92/100 was my vote, in contrast to the others that didn’t appreciate this ( at least to me ) wonder… Tasting it again after 7 years…what a challenge… The color has remained impenetrable,time has removed the violet shade.. Consistent, full in grain, it really fills the glass. Precise and pure to the nose…In small doses baked fruits, delicate notes of sage and mint, later on some other flowers notes… Young at the beginning of the gustatory session, good acidity and full-bodied, robust but with a softness that slowly comes… Maybe something in persistence and intensity has gone lost after 7 years but it remains a great tasting… Excellent development. One thing remember …it costs many euros…
Last week, while wiping the old furniture I found a wine bottle with 4 inches of dust on…a wine that binds me to beautiful memories… Three nights a week for almost 4 years spent at a dear friend’s wine grocery, tasting every possible wine… “Sunday, February 10, 2002” sais my old wine tasting card… One of the last unforgettable evenings… 92/100 was my vote, in contrast to the others that didn’t appreciate this ( at least to me ) wonder… Tasting it again after 7 years…what a challenge… The color has remained impenetrable,time has removed the violet shade.. Consistent, full in grain, it really fills the glass. Precise and pure to the nose…In small doses baked fruits, delicate notes of sage and mint, later on some other flowers notes… Young at the beginning of the gustatory session, good acidity and full-bodied, robust but with a softness that slowly comes… Maybe something in persistence and intensity has gone lost after 7 years but it remains a great tasting… Excellent development. One thing remember …it costs many euros…
Massimo Barbolini
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